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Fallout New Vegas Male Hair Mods

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by mautaddsidcba1971 2020. 1. 24. 20:00


Fallout New Vegas Male Hair Mods

HEY!BEFORE YOU READ, NO, I DON'T WANT SOME WEEABOO OR DREADLOCK s., NO OFFENSE. IF I WANTED THAT, I COULD HAVE FOUND THAT BY LOOKING AROUND THE CORNER AT THE MOD PAGE ALREADY.Now that that is settled, hello!I'm sure you read the description, and are wondering the same thing I am: Why the hell, after 6 whole years, has no one made a good hair mod for males? No, I'm not talking about that weaboo shite or those dreadlock hair styles, I mean REAL.

I drew my favorite critter from the Fallout universe, the Night Stalker! In New Vegas I took the animal friend perks so I wouldn’t have to kill them. It’s not their fault that they were created so I hated being forced to kill them, especially moms with their puppies:mod. Downloaded mods come in.zip files, so use something like WinRAR to extract the mod files into your new ‘Fallout New Vegas mods’ folder. In Fallout Mod Manager, open the ‘Package Manager. Fallout 3 Girl Hairstyles Male Hair Pack At New Vegas Fallout New Vegas Mods And Community. Nouks and apachiis hairstyles at fallout new vegas mods nouks and apachiis hairstyles at fallout new vegas mods nvec fco patch at fallout new vegas mods and community more hairstyles at fallout new vegas mods and community.

Fallout New Vegas Male Hair Mods Tumblr

Like Radioreggae, with his Skyrim Workshop Hair Mods! Why are there not really any more of those?I mean, if I could, I definitely would. I cannot wrap my head around the G.E.C.K. As much as I try to, and if I could, there would be a lot more lore friendly hair mods around.

But, alas, it is why I'm here.I'm sure that making mods is rather tough, considering that they take a lot of time, and texturing, and meshes. I mean, I've seen and heard the pain of my friends trying to make them, but I guess I have to be the person to burst the bubble of the community and frankly say:Sorry, but porting Sims hair does not really work anymore. They look good, but they can only go so far before you get bored again.Rrrrrr, is what I say when I pass through page after page of anime and sims hairs.

This is quite literally the year of the Undercut, the year of the URBAN RANGER-like from Fallout 4! Who actually wears those hairstyles from the Sims 3? We're all tired of the Smooth Wave, the Pompadour, the Tunnel Snake, and the Clean Cut. Those no longer cut it, either. I mean-come on!

There are some great female hairs out there, why not give the men the same amount of love, too?Is it really that hard to make hair, though? That's my one question: is it really that painful? I know everyone has lives, but just one hair mod with at least one great hairstyle would go SO far. Who knows, you maybe would get the 'Saviour of the Wastes!' Achievement.The hair, quite literally, sucks for guys.

The smooth wave, pompadour, and tunnel snake can only rule so many times before you start looking for more.Which brings me here. I'd really appreciate if someone could make some kind of modern hair style-or at least some better hair replacers-for Fallout New Vegas. It's about time it got some good attention. Don't you think?Edited by DrewMasonPlays, 07 February 2016 - 04:20 PM.

Fallout New Vegas Male Hair Mods

Importing a mesh into BlenderFirst step is to import the head mesh you want to work with. In Fallout there are several head meshes depending on the age and gender of the charaters (there is even a different head mesh for ghouls). Head meshes are usually located in the DataMeshescharactershead folder.The head meshes of player characters are:. headhuman.nif: head mesh for male characters. headfemale.nif: head mesh for female charactersImport the head mesh you want to adapt the hair for using the menu option File - Import - Netimmerse/Gamebyro (.nif) Notes:. The meshes and textures of the game are inside compressesd files with BSA format.

To extract then you can use the 'BSA Browser' utility that comes with. If you cannot find that option it is because you haven't installed NifScripts. Follow the instructions given here: to install everything you need.Then import the hair mesh of the hair you want to port to Fallout using the same menu option (if it is a nif file) File - Import - Netimmerse/Gamebyro (.nif) or the option that corresponds to the format of the mesh you are importing.Modify the hair mesh to fit Fallout head mesh. Modified hair meshOnce you have imported the hair, you'll probably see that it doesn't fit the head as in the example shown in picture Imported hair mesh.

To fix this work in Edit mode. Select all vertices of the hair (press A once or twice to select them all) and move them and scale them as required until the hair fits the head mesh. Try to fix the hair mesh by selecting all vertices at the same time: this way you'll keep the shape of the original hair. Only if needed work with some of the vertices (to get them out of the head, for example), but be careful and try to keep these modifications to the minimum.Note: don't move or rotate the hair mesh in Object mode because you want your hair to have the same center as the Fallout hair in Object mode. Do all required modifications in Edit mode. Export the hair mesh. Exporting the hair meshTo export the hair mesh:.

In Object mode select the hair mesh. Press the Ctrl + A keys and select the option Scale and Rotation to ObData from the pop up menu. Keeping the hair mesh selected, select the menu option File - Export - NetImmerse/Gamebyro, enter the name of the nif file for your hair (for example Hair.nif) and the folder where you want to save it. Set the exporting parameters as shown in the picture Exporting the hair mesh. It is important that the parameters are set like this:. Fallout 3 - selected. Stripify geometries - deselected.


Smoothen Inter-Object Seams - deselected. Flatten Skin - deselected. Export Skin Partition - deselected. Press the OK button and wait until Blender finishes saving the nif file.Modify the hair texturesHairs in Fallout use three different texture files:.dds file: diffuse map. This image file contains the painted hair and accesories (ribbons, hats, etc). n.dds file: normal map.

Fallout uses this file to give sense of volume to the hair and also influences how bright it will be seen in game. hl.dds file: this image file tells Fallout waht parts of the hair mesh are colourable. Your hair requires this file to be colourable in game.dds image fileUsually Fallout hairs look better if you take off all the colour of this image file.

To do this:. Open the texture file of the hair you are porting to Fallout in GIMP.

If it contains something that doesn't have to be colourable in game (like a ribbon or a hat) select everything except that part. Select the menu option Colors - Desaturate and select any of the three options (Lightness, Luminosity or Average). Save the image file as dds as this is the image format that the game requires.

As hair textuures usually use transparency, save it as DTX3 or DTX5. Make sure that the Generate mipmaps flag is marked when you save the texture.n.dds image file. Normal map windowThis step is exactly the same than the one explained in the tutorial because it doesn't matter the mesh you are working with: you will create the normal maps following the same steps.You can create the normal map from the dds texture you've saved before, to do it this way just follow these steps:.

Select Colors - Color to alpha and then select black or 000000 as the source colour. Select Filter - Map - Normalmap.

A window will pop up like the one shown in the Normal map window picture. pressing 3d preview you will be able to see in another screen how the changes in the parameters give more or less deep to the normal map. select the Wrap flag and change the value of Height source to Alpha. select a filter (I usually select 3x3 but you can try different filters and see which one works better for you).

modify the scale value to add more or less deep to the normal map (I usually set this to 3 or 4). Press the OK button and the image will show now a blueish look: this is the normal map. Save it with the same name than your texture file + the n.dds extension and choose the DTX5 compression. Make sure that the Generate mipmaps flag is selected when saving it.Note: In Fallout light colours look very bright, and often they look too shiny. If you want to make your textures less shiny:. make your textures a little darker: for example, don't paint white parts in white but in a light grey. make the normal map a little more transparent: if you are generating them from the textures, you can try the following:.

before generating the normal map, add a black layer to the texture and merge it with the texture using a% of opacity (like 50%, or 25%). merge down the black layer onto your original texture and then generate the normal map.hl.dds image file. hl.dds file colour and alpha channelsThis kind of image files are only used by hairs in Fallout. This image file controls waht part of the hair mesh is colourable. If part of your hair mesh doesn't have to be colourable (as a ribbon or a hat) you have to paint that part of the alpha channel of this image in black (opaque) as shown in picture hl.dds file colour and alpha channels.

White parts (transparent) of the alpha channel of this image file will be coulourable.Note: In GIMP, if you are looking at the Alpha channel on the Channels dialog window, colours are reversed, i. There you'll see opaque parts of the image painted in white and transparent parts in black.In this example, the right bottom part of the image corresponds to a ribbon that doesn't have to change its colour in game when you change the coulour of your character's hair, and that is why that part of the alpha channel is completely black.Save the image file with the same name than your texture file + the hl.dds extension and choose the DTX3 or DTX5 compression. Make sure that the Generate mipmaps flag is selected when saving it.Adjust the hair mesh in NifSkope. Hat and NoHat NiTriShapesEach Fallout hair mesh is actually made of two meshes: a mesh that is equipped by your character when wearing a hat (the mesh in the NiTriShape called Hat) and a mesh that is equipped by your character when not (the mesh in the NiTriShape called NoHat), as shown in picture Hat and NoHat NiTriShapes. The NiTriShapes must be called Hat and NoHat for the game to choose the right one when your character equips a hat (hat, helmet, cowl, etc).You can create a mesh for your character when wearing a hat by editting the hair you are porting in Blender, modifying the top and sides of the hair mesh until they are very close or even into the head (the part of the hair that is going to be covered by the hat) or use one of the existing vanilla hair meshes.If you are using a vanilla Hat mesh:.

Open two NifSkope instances. In one of them load the nif file that contains the hair mesh you are porting to Fallout (Hair.nif in the example) and in the other one open the nif file of a vanilla hair mesh. In the vanilla hair mesh, delete the Hat NiTriShape. It is best that you save the existing hair from the game with a new name, like FalloutHair.nif, to prevent overwriting it.

To delete it select the Hat NiTriShape node of the vanilla hair you are going to delete and right click. Then select Block - Remove Branch from the pop up menu. Copy the shape of your hair in the nif file of the vanilla hair following this steps:. In your hair file (Hair.nif in the example) select the NiTriShape node that contains your hair's shape and right click on it. Select the option Block - Copy Branch from the pop up menu. Go to the vanilla hair mesh (FalloutHair.nif in the example) and select the top node (the NiNode that is called HairBaseF in the example picture, right click and select the option Block - Paste Branch from the pop up menu. Select the NiTRiShape you've just copied and then, in the Block details part of the screen click on the txt little button (see picture Hat and NoHat NiTriShapes) to change the name of the NiTriShape.

Select or type NoHat in the pop up window and click on OK. Now the name of the NiTriShape of the hair you've ported is NoHat.

In the NiTriShapeData of the NiTriShape node you've copied you can change the value of TSpaceFlag from 240, that is the default value that Blender sets when exporting, to 16 that is the value that the vanilla meshes use in game. Once you've changed the value of this parameter go down a little and you'll see the parameters Binormals and Tangents. Right click on the green round arrows that are beside these two parameters and select Array - Update. Then select the main node NiNode Sceene Root at the top and from the top menu select Spells - Batch - Update All Tangent Spaces and wait until NifSkope finishes the calculations.Make your hair colourable. TexturesFallout nif files use some new parameters, the Shader and the Shader flags, that have to be set properly or the object will look bad in game (too shiny, too dark, etc) or even be completely invisible.

To check or modify their values select the BSShaderPPLightingProperty node and look for the properties Shader and Shader flags in Block details. In picture Shader and Shader flags you can see the Shader and Shader flags that I've used for hairs in Fallout.Next step is to associate the texture files you created previously to the mesh. To do it select the BSShaderTextureSet node (see Textures picture) and in Block details expand the Textures properties: you'll see that there is room for 6 image files but for hair you will use the first three. In the first place, at the top, link the colour texture (the dds file), in the second place link the normal map dds file (the n.dds file) and in the third place link the hl image file (the hl.dds file).Check that the texture files begin like this: textures. As shown in the Textures picture.

If the links to the files begin like C:Program filesBethesda SoftworksFallout3Datatextures., or textures. The game may not be able to upload them and you'll see the hair black or purple.The last step is to modify the material properties. Under the NiTriShape node that contains the shape of your armour select the NiMaterialProperty node, right click on it and select Material: a window like the one shown in the Material image will pop up. In Fallout materials have no name so delete the nale that appears on the top box (if there is any). In this screen you can modify the values of the Specular and Emissive colours, the level of transparency (Alpha) and the Glossiness of the hair. You can also modify these values numerically if you select the material node and then select View - Block details.Apply the textures on both sides of the hair mesh. NiStencilPropertyMost hair meshes are made by flat surfaces, and then, if the textures are only applied to the top of the surface, the hair will be invisible in game when view from some angles (for example, the inner part of the hair will be invisible).You can tell the mesh to apply the texture on both sides to fix this problem.

To do this:. Select the NoHat NiTriShape and right click on it. Select Node - Attach Property from the pop up menu. Select NiStencilProperty from the drop down listThis will add a new node, a NiStencilProperty node, under the NoHat NiTriShape.

Select it and in Block Details look for the Flags parameter and set it to 19840 as shown in picture NiStencilProperty. If the Flags parameter is set to any other value, Fallout won't paint both sides of the mesh.Once you've made all changes in NifSkope, save your hair nif file.Create an egm file. Exporting the hair mesh for OblivionEgm files tell Fallout how to resize the hair when the face changes shape. These files will allow your hair to fit almost all character faces in game.Fallout hairs use two egm files, one for the Hat hair mesh and another one for the NoHat hair mesh.

Character menu option and Hair windowFirst copy the textures, nif and egm files to the game folders:. Copy to the DataMeshesCharactersHairMyMod folder: the nif and egm files (in the example, copy the files MyHair.nif MyHairnohat.egm and MyHairhat.egm). Copy to the DataTexturesCharactersHairMyMod folder: the dds image files (the dds, the n.dds and the hl.dds)Notes:. it is good practice to create a new subfolder for each of your mods. This way it will be easier to uninstall the mod. In the example I've called that subfolder MyMod but you can use any name that identifies your mod uniquely. the path to the texture files must be the same than the one you set in the nif file in NifSkope.

If it is not, modify the texture paths again in NifSkope.The final part is to add the hair to the game using the GECK following this process:. Open the GECK. Select File - Data from the top menu, and check Fallout3.esm and your current cosmetic mod (or only select Fallout3.esm if you are not using any cosmetic mod).

Select your current cosmetic mod and press the button Set as Active File. Then press the OK button and wait for the GECK to stop loading.

Add the new hair:. Select Character - Hair from the top menu: a window will pop up with all the available hairs like the one shown in picture Character menu option and Hair window. Right click on the list of hairs and select 'New' from the pop up menu. Enter a unic name for your hair (for example, MyHair) and press OK. On the right section of the window, enter a name for your hair (this will be the name displayed in the character facegen screens in game). Check the Flag 'Playable'.

Check the flag Can be female or Can be male depending on if the hair is for female or male characters. Make sure the flag Fixed color is deselected. Click on the Edit button of the Art file section and select the hair mesh file (for example DataMeshesCharactersHairMyModMyHair.nif).

Click on the Edit button of the Texture file section and select the texture file (for example DataTexturesCharactersHairMyModMyHair.dds). Click OK. Assign the new hair to your race:. With the hairs window opened, select Character - Race from the top menu. Another window will pop up showing all available races (move the window as needed if it covers the hairs window).

Select the race you want to modify (for example Caucasian) on the list. Select the Face Data tab on the right. You'll see a list of Hair Styles available for the selected race. Left click on the new hair you've just added in the hairs window and with the left mouse button pressed, drag it to the Hair Styles window of your race and then drop the hair there (stop pressing the mouse left button).

Fallout New Vegas Hairstyle Mods

The new hair has just been added to the list of available hairs for your race. Click OK on the races window.

Click OK on the hair window. Save your changes to the active.esp file. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click 'Data Files' and place a checkmark beside the.esp file.Enjoy your new hair in game!:).

Fallout New Vegas Male Hair Mods